Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I really don't understand things...

How is it that we can afford to pay millions of dollars to athletes, but we can't afford to pay any money toward people who are disabled? What are we teaching our younger generations when we can't afford a few dollars to give them an opportunity that they would not have received otherwise... Why can't we afford to help those whom are trying to get by each day and still not making enough.
I can honestly say that its exhausting working countless hours everyday and still not having enough to pay the bills on time. I am so thankful and know I am blessed to be someone whom has a job, but there are days I just wonder... when will it be enough? when will this money hungry world start to understand that that's not what its about. we need to start being aware and looking out for one another.


Gamma Sharon said...

Problem is sweety, we don't pay those athletes, their owners do and the owners get paid for the entertainment they give us (the few or many who like sports) that is. And if you look at those athletes financial reports you would find that 99% of them give to charity along with those owners.
I got a great email today that said that God is in everything that happens in our lives even if it doesn't seem like it... That being said God does all things for our good even if it doesn't make sense. I love the tapestry analogy: when we look up to God we see the back of the tapestry with all its knots and string hanging (because we just don't know everything and the whys that make up our life) but when God or our loved ones look down on us they see a Beautiful finished tapestry (because they see all the reasons and answers that make up our lives). That is what we have to look forward to when we get done with what God put us here to do.
Your Auntie Sharon loves you and wants you to know that life is worth all the hard work!