Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jist another night

I am usually not a person that feels the need to talk about a whole lot of personal stuff... but tonight im struggling. I miss him... and it hurts... and I desperately want to tell him... but how.
How do you tell someone... "you made me fall in love with you and then broke my heart when you told me you needed to find you?"... after a year has gone by.?
I think one of the worst parts about it is is what he said... and that he still wants me in his life. How do you do that? Someone help?!?
Well... sorry to vent on you but im off to bed. Maybe tomorrow ill gather some insite and be able to place the pieced of my heart back into some sort of shape.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Somewhere with you

I have been going through a lot lately... Changes in work, living situations, and now the person I thought I would spend forever with. I just don't understand it.

I know that he has a lot going on in his life as well, but how do you tell someone you love them for a year and then just need some time? How can you do things regularly with someone, and have an amazing time doing it, but then need to take time to find yourself... I know that these are age old questions that we all ask ourselves when we are in this situation, but the answers never seem to come easily.

I miss my friend, the person that made since to me... right now, there is no since.
I miss our adventures. I miss the motorcycle rides, and the hiking trips. I miss talking to you and saying something dumb and us both laughing like crazy about it. LED ZEPPLIN.
I miss trying all of the fun foods that he would talk me into trying, and our talks about our travels... his were way more exciting than mine. :)

I just miss being somewhere with him.