Thursday, October 1, 2009

ugh! money!

I hate it when you do automatic bill pay and its set up so that the money comes out one day & it takes 5 days for it to clear but another one is set to come out and it clears the account and 24 hours... What's that crap! UGH!

Sorry! Just needed a random blah session!

So today I set out telling myself it was going to be a good day! And for the most part- it really was a great day! I had a few bumps in the road this evening but I'm smoothing them out!

Please pray for tomorrow! I have to do file audits tomorrow and I haven't had the oppertunity to finish them as much as I would have wanted- so needless to say ill be up and at em in a few hours! Please pray for me and that the files get done as needed :)

Thank you! And as always may God bless your life and forever fill your soul!