Monday, October 19, 2009

Sick of being Sick!

So I woke up today feeling pretty poopy but figured after I got up & moving it would be better! WRONG!
While getting ready I got so dizzy that I fell and almost smacked my head on my dresser! Ummmm yeah! Not good!
Then check my temp- I have a slight fever. Then I head into work and feel as if I can barely comprehend what is going on. Then I gather stuff up and head to the office.
When arriving- I was told to go home! When I left the office, I had another dizzy spell and ran my car into the curb.
I finally went to see the nurse and found out I have severe dehydration (threatened with IV fluids), a sinus infection, an ear infection, and flu symptoms! What the crap!


Candace said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better!

K-Bug said...

Thank you Candy